Anglo-saxão sobrenomes que começam com A

Anglo-saxão sobrenomes em ordem alfabética:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Sobrenome Origem Significado
Ackart Anglo-saxão From 'Ack,' oak, and 'ard,' nature, d...
Ackerman Anglo-saxão From 'Acker,' oaken, made of oak, and...
Ackers Anglo-saxão Camden derives this surname from the ...
Ackland Anglo-saxão Local: The name of a place in North D...
Ackman Anglo-saxão The same as Oakman, from his strength...
Acton Anglo-saxão Local: The oak-town or oak-hill - the...
Adlam Anglo-saxão Local: From 'adel,' fine, noble, and ...
Aiken Anglo-saxão Oaken; hard or firm.
Aikman Anglo-saxão From 'ack,' oak, and man.
Akeman Anglo-saxão The same as Oakman, from his strength...
Akers Anglo-saxão The same as Ackers.
Albrecht Anglo-saxão The same as Albert - All-bright.
Aldaine Anglo-saxão Local: From 'ald,' old, and 'den' or ...
Alden Anglo-saxão Local: From 'ald,' old, and 'den' or ...
Aldersey Anglo-saxão Local: The isle of alders.
Aldis Anglo-saxão A contraction of 'ald-house,' the old...
Aldjoy Anglo-saxão The same as the English 'all-joy.'
Aldred Anglo-saxão All-fear - see Albert.
Aldridge Anglo-saxão The same as Aldred, of which it is a ...
Alford Anglo-saxão Local: From Alford, a town in Lincoln...
Alfred Anglo-saxão All-peace, from 'all,' and 'fred' or ...
Allgood Anglo-saxão The same as the English All-good.
Alvin Anglo-saxão All-winning or victorious, the 'v' an...
Alvord Anglo-saxão Local: From Alford, a town in Lincoln...
Alwin Anglo-saxão All-winning or victorious, the 'v' an...
Amherst Anglo-saxão Local: From 'ham,' a town or village,...

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