
Meaning Local: From 'ham,' a town or village, and 'hurst' or 'herst,' a wood, the town in the wood, the "H" by custom, being dropped or silent. It may have been derived from 'Hamo,' who was sheriff in the county of Kent, in the time of William the Conqueror; a descendant of his was called 'Hamo de Herst,' and the Norman de, and the aspirate "h" being dropped - Amherst. 'Amhurst,' the connected grove, or conjoined woods; "am," in the British, as a prefix, has the sense of 'Amb,' 'amphi,' 'circum,' i. e., about, surrounding, encompassing; hence, the surrounding grove, or 'Amhurst.'
Origin Anglo-Saxon, French, German

How many distinct last names exist in the United States of America?

How does one estimate/guess that number? The first source that comes to mind is the result of the latest available census. We know that 2000 year census presents us with a little over 150,000 unique surnames. The least po...

Most Popular Kazakh Baby Names

Below is the list of popular Kazakh first names in alphabetical order.

First girl baby names:

Адиль (Adil) Адия (Adiea) Ажар (Azhar) Айбала (Ajbala) Айбарша (Ajbarsha) Айбике (Ajbike) Айганша (Ajgansha) Айгуль (Ajgul) Аида (Aida) Айда...

Shortest last names

The 2000 USA census contains no surnames with ONE character. The shortest last names there have at least two characters in them. We found 175 of those. It does not mean that a one character name does not exist. The census data only contain surnames that occurred at lea...

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