Basque last names starting with Z

Basque last names in alphabetical order:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Name Origin Meaning
Ziga Basque
Zigand Basque
Ziganda Basque
Zilbeti Basque
Zildoz Basque
Ziluaga Basque
Zincunegui Basque
Zinzujnegui Basque
Ziordia Basque
Ziorraga Basque
Ziriza Basque
Zizur Basque
Zobaran Basque
Zoco Basque
Zocobehere Basque
Zocorena Basque
Zoraluce Basque
Zornoza Basque
Zorola Basque
Zorraquin Basque
Zorriqueta Basque
Zorroza Basque
Zorrozua Basque
Zozaia Basque
Zozaiazuazua Basque
Zozaya Basque
Name Origin Meaning
Zozo Basque
Zuari Basque
Zuasti Basque
Zuastia Basque
Zuaza Basque
Zuazabeitia Basque
Zuazaga Basque
Zuazagoitia Basque
Zuaznabar Basque
Zuaznavar Basque
Zuazo Basque
Zuazobide Basque
Zuazobizcar Basque
Zuazola Basque
Zuazolacigorra Basque
Zuazolacigorraga Basque
Zuazolazigorriaga Basque
Zuazqueta Basque
Zuazu Basque
Zuazua Basque
Zuazubide Basque
Zuazubiscar Basque
Zuazubizcar Basque
Zubaldia Basque

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