Basque last names starting with C

Basque last names in alphabetical order:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Name Origin Meaning
Camou Basque
Camoue Basque
Campagne Basque
Campanaga Basque
Campia Basque
Campicelay Basque
Campisteguy Basque
Campistron Basque
Campo Basque
Campot Basque
Campriston Basque
Campristron Basque
Canar Basque
Candau Basque
Candeau Basque
Candelle Basque
Canderats Basque
Cando Basque
Cantau Basque
Canton Basque
Cantorena Basque
Capagne Basque
Capagorry Basque
Capaguindegui Basque
Capaindegui Basque
Capanaga Basque
Name Origin Meaning
Capar Basque
Capayndi Basque
Capdeau Basque
Capdepon Basque
Capdepont Basque
Capdouze Basque
Capelastegui Basque
Caperochipi Basque
Capeu Basque
Cappe Basque
Captevielle Basque
Capthuze Basque
Captouze Basque
Caracoche Basque
Caracoitche Basque
Caracoix Basque
Caracotche Basque
Carapuco Basque
Caratorche Basque
Carcossa Basque
Cardaveraz Basque
Cardel Basque
Cardellus Basque
Cardinal Basque Nickname: The cardinal, the ecclesias...

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