Last Name AKED


Meaning Local: At the oak-head (from the residence hereby), the top or furthest reach of the oak-trees.
Origin English

Scottish surnames

Scottish last names divide themselves into two classes: Highland and Lowland.
In very few instances the names were considered before the eleventh century. They became significantly better known only since the thirteen century.
Just like English and other last n...

English surnames

English surnames can be divided into five classes: Baptisimal or Personal (first) names, local, official, and occupative surnames. Nicknames represent the last class. Practically there are only four classes, for it is often hard ti distinguish between occupation and offic...

Most Popular Greenlandic Baby Names

Below is the list of popular Greenlandic first names in alphabetical order.

First girl baby names:

Ane Marie Karen Johanne Sofie Dorthe Margrethe Sara Naja Anna Kristine Else Louise Helene Karoline Susanne Amalie Elisabeth Paninn...

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