Last Name EELES


Meaning The son of Elye, old French for English Ellis. The genetive or patronymic form would be Elyes, thus different sligtly from the English Ellis.
Origin English, Irish

Belarus middle names

Belarus middle names form the same way as Russian ones, in part due to general common history of the Russian and Belarus nationalities, and in part due to very close integration of all nationalities during the Soviet Union times. Follow the

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First girl baby names:

Адиль (Adil) Адия (Adiea) Ажар (Azhar) Айбала (Ajbala) Айбарша (Ajbarsha) Айбике (Ajbike) Айганша (Ajgansha) Айгуль (Ajgul) Аида (Aida) Айда...

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What are the most popular Danish first names for women?
Here is the list of 20 most popular Danish names for women as of January 2014.


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