
Meaning Male name ZABURTOV is a Latin spelling of its Cyrillic origins 'ЗАБУРТОВ' (for the male) and 'ЗАБУРТОВА' (for its female versions). Below are some other possible Latin spellings of the Cyrillic versions of these names.
Male versions of the name: 'ZABURTOV' 'ZABURTOW' 'ZABURTOFF'
Female versions of the name: 'ZABURTOVA' 'ZABURTOWA' .
Origin Bulgarian

Census 2000: how many distinct surnames are there?

Even after applying various edits and acceptance criteria to the names, there are a sizable number of unique names in the population. Over 6 million last names were identified. Many of these names were either unique (occurred once)...

Longest baby names

The longest first name, consisting of 12 characters, from the baby names reported since the year 1880 in the United States is Francisquita.

There are three names consisting of 11 characters: Christopher, Margueritta, and Margueritte

American Surnames

One could claim that American surnames are very straightforward to describe and identify. Due to the way this country was formed, having people coming here from all over the world, the surnames simply represent all those people of different nationalities. So, we are don...

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