Last Name MCCABE


Meaning The son of Cabe. 'Caob,' Gaelic, a bough, branch, a clod, lump, a bit or piece of any thing. 'Ceap,' the top of a hill, a sign set up in time of battle.
Origin Native American, Irish

Rank 1,083 (2000 US census) 1,200 (1990 US census)
Count 29,523 (2000 US census)

Race / ethnic distribution

The 2000 US Census claims that
  • 92.96%, or 27445 total occurrences, of those with this family name identified themselves as being white,
  • 1.15%, or 340 total occurrences, as black,
  • 0.56%, or 165 total occurrences, as Asian and Pacific Islander,
  • 2.48%, or 732 total occurrences, as American Indian and Native Alaskan,
  • 1.13%, or 334 total occurrences, as two or more races, and
  • 1.71%, or 505 total occurrences, as Hispanic ethnic origin.

Longest baby names

The longest first name, consisting of 12 characters, from the baby names reported since the year 1880 in the United States is Francisquita.

There are three names consisting of 11 characters: Christopher, Margueritta, and Margueritte

American Surnames

One could claim that American surnames are very straightforward to describe and identify. Due to the way this country was formed, having people coming here from all over the world, the surnames simply represent all those people of different nationalities. So, we are don...

Russian middle names

As with many things that are 'Russian,' neither child nor his parents has much choice in picking the name. It is purely patronymic and generally predefined at the time when the child is born or even rather conceived. The name is derived from the child's father's first...

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