
Meaning Not available
Origin Not available

Rank 116,835 (2000 US census)
Count 138 (2000 US census)

Race / ethnic distribution

The 2000 US Census claims that
  • 99.28%, or 137 total occurrences, of those with this family name identified themselves as being white,
  • 0%, or 0 total occurrences, as black,
  • 0%, or 0 total occurrences, as Asian and Pacific Islander,
  • undisclosed % as American Indian and Native Alaskan,
  • 0%, or 0 total occurrences, as two or more races, and
  • undisclosed % as Hispanic ethnic origin.

Scottish surnames

Scottish last names divide themselves into two classes: Highland and Lowland.
In very few instances the names were considered before the eleventh century. They became significantly better known only since the thirteen century.
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